Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Simple but nice views biayanyapun to think big modif like this, OMC is often a motor like this, because the concept of the OMC is offered daily use, good views, and not expensive MIO MODIFICATION.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Kawasaki Ninja - a radical modification of the neat and steady for oprasional.
"It looks expensive bgt, whereas if we'd be dibandingin more than Japan should modif motor, lots of crazy modif the price exceeds the price of Aprilia. but cuman doang models which all have the Aprilia Mito.Upside or down, gedhe tires, etc.. "- by Girifumi
Create crazy bro modif Girifumi assumption may be a bit much to make them mengerinyitkan forehead. But for most bikers, especially for bikers who think economically and bikers that prioritizing originality factor may very Girifumi bro assumption is correct.
Cost Factor
An example is the owner of Honda Tiger Revo (nyari safe mode-on), regardless of the cost of the average motorcycle owner modification goal was not far from the model SP NSR, Aprilia or Cagiva Mito. Even beyond the standard may modify them by replacing the light front leg into the foot upside down, the rear suspension to monshock to buy parts like fuel tank parts and the rear panel. Finally, after the modification with the cost of not less be a motor Tiger Revo is a bit like Aprilia, or SP with oddities here and there. The most severe is a radical modification of saving package style, intended to make cost savings, it is the waste and wasting time. Why? Many incidents where the motor modification costs became more expensive than the cost of buying a motor "original" that the goal of modification, is it even a strange hasilnyapun.
Originality factor
This is probably the most controversial paragraphs ever posted in INDOBIKERS. There is a question that is quite intriguing. Does the costume Barcelona numbered 14 you have to be Thierry Henry? Of course not, but certainly you have stated to anyone especially to people who see you that you are a fan or at least sympathizers of the former king of Arsenal. Bahakan if Thierry Henry "original" yes definitely saw you too will smile with you. But by installing fairing Yamaha R1 on the Tiger Revo you, and you happen to run into a real Yamaha R1 would certainly different situations. Maybe nothing happened seemingly anything but actually the driver will only R1 confusion with which you ride motorcycles, often bahakan who scorn it out in the mind of the driver R1 "authentic" is. Besides, whether by using R1 and the fairing you may be necessarily anggot club R1? Unfortunately it's not going to happen but certainly you will lose motor identity.
Creativity without borders
Modifying the motor is the development of creativity without boundaries. But the best pure goal is to modify the original idea, do not imitate or trace moge existing, let alone trace CBU motor sport that costs not much (about the same cost-red) than the price of your own bike. What is clear radical modification of the motor is generally less suitable for daily use. Because like any of the conditions most appropriate motor standarlah used for daily oprasional. If still want to modify the bike but with the condition should be used as a vehicle steadily oprasional daily, the best option is to make minor modifications. Changing tires, veld handlebar and the front or Menganti sockbreaker color and striping pattern into the most appropriate choice. Good luck!
Friday, April 24, 2009
It is a picture Motor Modif or Modification from Yamaha Jupiter Z.
It's very amazing because the colour of paint is very lightening. i like it.
what is your opinion about this picture modification jupiter..??
do you like it..??
it is very nice an unique. You can follow this modification to practice in your motor cycle.
hihiiii. if you have much money, you can make more better than this modification.
very creatif to make concept modif and modification.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

After this, the answer came from Nissan which was completely simple: We will not enter a flamewar with Porsche. The final word of us is that it was made on the absolutely standard tires which are at the disposal of the customers in the showroom. The normal tires of road of Dunlop, that come with the car! the European spokesperson Neil Reeve from Nissan known as.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
motorcycle yamaha X1R picture is also from the forum I get modifications in the Philippines. turns out there is different from the motor that is in indonesia, the name. but in body shape and construction remain the same only the name that distinguishes it from the motor only. we see only motor yamaha X1R it the same as the yamaha Jupiter MX in indonesia. funds kawasaki fury like a 125 cc Suzuki Satria 150 cc. which is the comparison between yamaha x1R rand kawasaki fury 125 cc's is a form of body. problems and good speed I think yamaha X1R than kawasaki fury 125 and relatively the same.